Thursday, March 12, 2009


You were expecting kittens? Our F2B Harvey is only a few days over five months of age, so he IS a kitten. Just that he already weighs 17 pounds! Harvey will be staying with us. We had always intended to keep one of our big boys, we just thought we'd wait til the girls were ready to retire. But Harvey had other plans. Apparently, he bonded to me during our Stranded in Las Vegas adventure (blogged, if you'd like to read the details) a few days before Christmas. It was very obvious to Mike after two months of trying, that Harvey was always going to love me best... so I flew back to San Jose (didn't get stranded this time) and when Harvey heard my voice, he started chirping. He exploded out of his crate, threw himself into my arms and rubbed his face all over mine, purring so hard he almost choked. He's been pretty much glued to me ever since, he sleeps with his head on my shoulder or if I stretch out my arm he'll put one or both paws into my hand. I'm spoiling him badly and driving Jason crazy making him come "See what Harvey is doing". Kboo, Harvey's mother, is as bonded to me as her son. Harvey is going to dwarf his mother and she averages 21-23 pounds and can stand up against me and almost touch my collar bone -- Gabatta CAN reach that high. I'm barely 5' tall. All of our kittens have transitioned perfectly to their new homes and all live in multi-cat or multi-pet homes. It usually takes about 15 minutes before each kitten is running around playing with toys and exploring, then cuddling and bonding to his new family. Harvey was 12 weeks old when we got stranded. Even our kittens who go home at 12 or 13 months of age have bonded immediately. Check out Spencer, Kai, Audrey, Nissa, Brie, Lucy, Moja and Ellie, all on our Testimonials pages, to read about a typical transition. Since I fly with each kitten in-cabin and hand-deliver, there's very little stress associated with their move to a new home. Unless we get stranded in Las Vegas with the first snowstorm the city has had in 30 years! While we were stranded, Harvey spent every minute of each hour either in his carry bag tucked under my arm and against my side. Or he was with me in the hotel room, serval leaping from one bed to the other, then running up and patting me to chase him, then sliding across the desk, then playing in the bathtub while I tried to make new flight reservations, then kissing me just to make sure I was still there. In short (not!), he imprinted on me, big time, due to the sounds and smells and stress of being stranded. I just didn't know it when we met Mike because Harvey sat in his lap, purred, acted like all our kittens after we make a long coast-to-coast flight. But then he got home, woke up and I wasn't there, and decided he was not going to stay. And he didn't! We offer a lifetime buyback guarantee to insure our kittens are never given away, sold, traded, surrendered to a shelter or rescue organization, that they will always come back to us. This was the first time we've had it happen. We refunded Harvey's entire purchase price and paid for the airfare to retrieve him and he'll stay with us forever. He's made his choice. Mike waited almost two years for Harvey, for his Humongous Boy. To see some of our other gentle giants, please visit our Testimonials pages and see Konga, Oliver, Cary, Spencer, Moja, Izzy, Bruce, Jack, our beloved Dale and Ozzy... and Elwood and Calla are still growing. Our girls tend to give us very big boys (and girls!) who are extremely loving. But back to Mike -- he knows us and our kittens -- and knows this was a Las Vegas Snowstorm fluke... so he will likely take Jericho from Ayo and Wari. Depending on how Jericho matures. And we have at least three other AJSavannahs families who want Jericho, as well as Oliver's aunt, and four new families. Mike will break hearts if he decides on Jericho. And I'll get to make yet another 13-hour cross-country odyssey! But Harvey is home and he's MINE. And thankfully, he loves Jason, too. And as most of our readers (and all our AJSavannahs families) know, I am VERY bonded to all our kittens. But Harvey is special, mainly because he thinks I'M so special. So thanks for humoring me as I go on-and-on about MY "new" baby. I sound like all our new families. Isn't it GREAT???


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