Thursday, March 5, 2009

Ayo is Restless Today, Gabatta Ready to Strangle Me!

Ayo has decided she wants to move kittens today. She waits til Jason is distracted, then grabs a boy, usually Emmett, and carries him over to the bottom shelf of the Mission-style end table. We keep her room at 82 degrees so the short journey -- til Jason puts him back in bed -- isn't too traumatic. Moving kittens is a very serval trait. Gabatta loves to move her babies and it's a multi-day battle before she decides she wants to be right where she started. Ayo usually makes the rounds for a day or two then settles in.

Jericho, far left, is very protective of his sister Vesper. At least that's what we project. He's really just too big to fit in comfortably and has paws flung everywhere. Murray is third from left and Emmett is staying well clear, hoping to avoid another road trip!

I woke Aaron and Olivia for their photo shoot, as you can tell by Olivia's nodding head. Gabatta was not happy with me for waking them, she was sitting on top of their Great Dane-size (no door) crate, looking over the edge. Very reminiscent of Snoopy's
Vulture-on-top-of-the-doghouse pose.

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