Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Calla is Walking (like a big cat)

Calla is definitely her mother's daughter. She's only 15 days old, but she's already up and walking. Not crawling, or propeling, or toddling... she is WALKING. Like the big cat she's going to be. Poor Gabatta, because now all she gets done is try and corral Calla and keep her in one place. And Gabatta much prefers the sofa to any other bed or nest or chair -- or wherever. Gabatta is our diva and what Gabatta wants, Gabatta gets!

She was lounging on the sofa with Calla until Calla became truly ambulatory. We'd look in and Gabatta would be laying in a half arc, with her back to the front edge and Calla safely between her and the back. And Gabatta is huge, she easily stretches over half the length of our seven foot sofa. (She was less than two years old in the photo above, and nowhere near full-grown.) We watched one drama unfold that made us very nervous. Calla kept moving closer to the edge. When she got within a few inches, Gabatta stood up, stretched, then walked over, took Calla in her mouth, walked back to her original spot and dropped Calla unceremoniously to the cushions. We decided Gabatta had it under control.

A few days later, Gabatta began pulling the extra cushions from under the sofa where we had them stored for safety (she carries them around in her mouth as if they're small throw pillows). But Gabatta had pulled the cushions out, left them just near the front edge -- as if she was preparing for Calla to make her first unplanned jump (fall?). If Calla dove, we didn't see it. Thankfully.

And, thankfully, LaVon knows Gabatta is our diva, and that her babies have a LOT of attitude, just ask Michelle (Katie), Deborah (Oliver), or Teri (Moja -- formerly Holly). Linda (Konga) and Jennifer (Ivy) swear that their babies are perfect angels. We think they have their owners very well-trained!
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posted by Adrianne at


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, I would agree! Gabatta's kittens all have such wonderful attitude...that's what makes them so special and loving. Oliver is helping me clean out my office closet...can you say, accident waiting to happen??

August 19, 2008 11:29 AM  

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